We stand for equality. Providing good service is important to us. Are you dissatisfied with our service, or want to make a suggestion? Ask a question or share your suggestion with us.
When will I receive a response to my complaint?
We take all complaints seriously. If we can resolve the complaint ourselves, we will do so as soon as possible. For most complaints, we rely on feedback from the airline or a third party, which means the handling time may take a little longer.
Can I send you a complaint about the airline?
You can make a complaint about the airline by sending it to us. But some airlines only accept complaints made by the customer. In this case, we advise you to contact the airline directly. As we act as an intermediary, we are not responsible for the airline's services or service.
Who can I contact for questions about flight delays, canceled flights and denied boarding?
If you have a question about the EU regulation regarding compensation for denied boarding, or if you have had to deal with delays or a canceled flight, you need to contact the airline directly for further assistance.